Bio-roj "Black Pearl": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom, piav qhia, muaj pes tsawg leeg thiab txoj kev thov

Cov txheej txheem:

Bio-roj "Black Pearl": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom, piav qhia, muaj pes tsawg leeg thiab txoj kev thov
Bio-roj "Black Pearl": kev tshuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom, piav qhia, muaj pes tsawg leeg thiab txoj kev thov

Hnub no, cov roj hydrophilic nrov heev ntawm cov ntxhais thoob plaws ntiaj teb. Nws yog ib qho khoom zoo heev rau tshem tawm cov pleev thiab cov impurities txhua hnub. Ib qho ntawm cov khoom no yog Black Pearl bio-roj. Cov neeg siv khoom tshuaj xyuas txog nws hais tias nws tsis yog qhov qis dua rau kev xaiv kim dua.

siv tau zoo

Lub ntsiab feature ntawm cov khoom kom zoo nkauj no yog tias nws muaj cov roj ntuj thiab tshwj xeeb emulsifiers. Thaum ua ke nrog dej, lawv tsim ua npuas ncauj tsis tu ncua uas tuaj yeem nyiam cov impurities thiab ntxuav cov pores. Kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm Black Pearl bio-roj qhia tias nws ua tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thiab ua tiav cov haujlwm tau teev tseg.

Duab "Black Pearl" bio-roj muag heev
Duab "Black Pearl" bio-roj muag heev

siv tau zoo ntawm cov khoom no:

  • Nyob zoo ntxuav txawm tias cov tawv nqaij rhiab.
  • Tsis xav tias qhuav thiab nruj tom qab siv.
  • Txhob muab tshuaj pleev ib ce.
  • Deep pore cleansing.
  • Tsis txhob muab daim nplaum nplaum nplaum rau ntawm lub ntsej muag.
  • Natural composition.
  • Versatility raws li daim tawv nqaij.

Thaum huab cua txias, cov roj ntawm lub ntsej muag tiv thaiv flaking thiab dryness. Cov qauv ntawm kev siv cov nyiaj no los ntawm cov teb chaws ntawm East Asia thiab tau ruaj khov ntawm cov ntxhais Lavxias. Qhov zoo ntawm Black Pearl bio-roil (raws li cov neeg siv khoom tshuaj xyuas) yog lub peev xwm los tshem tawm cov seem ntawm txhua hom tonal foundations.

About the cosmetics company

No "Black Pearl" tshwm sim hauv khw ntau tshaj 20 xyoo dhau los. Lub tuam txhab tsim cov khoom tu tawv nqaij rau cov ntxhais ntawm txhua lub hnub nyoog. Thawj cov khoom lag luam yog lub ntsej muag cream, uas yog qhov txawv ntawm nws cov khoom zoo thiab cov khoom xyaw ntuj. Qhov kev thov siab tau coj lub tuam txhab tshuaj pleev ib ce zoo kawg nkaus. Raws li qhov tshwm sim, nws pib nthuav dav ntau ntawm cov nyiaj.

Tshuaj pleev ib ce "Black Pearl"
Tshuaj pleev ib ce "Black Pearl"

Chaw tsim tshuaj paus tsim ntau ntau kab:

  • Rau cov tawv nqaij hluas.
  • Nrog cov nyhuv tiv thaiv kev laus.
  • YRestoring elasticity.
  • Regulating water balance.
  • Kev ntxuav kom huv.

Tom qab ntawd, cov khoom lag luam nthuav dav nrog ntau hom tonal foundations, uas tau siv dav hauv cov neeg siv khoom Lavxias. Los ntawm hom "Black Pearl" bio-roj "Precious oils" tau dhau los ua ib qho nrov tshaj plawscov khoom. Nws muaj cov khoom xyaw ntuj, cov extracts ntawm ntau yam extracts, collagen, acids thiab lwm yam khoom muaj txiaj ntsig. Tus nqi ntawm cov khoom yog nyiaj txiag heev, koj tuaj yeem yuav hauv txhua lub khw.

Ntse ntawm bio-roj

Raws li cov chaw tsim khoom, cov khoom siv tshuaj pleev ib ce no yog tsim los rau kev saib xyuas ntawm daim tawv nqaij, sib sib zog nqus ntxuav ntawm pleev thiab ntau yam impurities. Tom qab ntxuav nrog "Black Pearl" bio-roj (raws li cov ntxhais 'kev tshuaj xyuas), lub ntsej muag yuav zoo li muag muag thiab velvety, thiab xis nyob. Cov tshuaj ntxuav tes me me tshaj plaws tau siv rau hauv kev tsim khoom, uas kiag li tsis khaus txawm tias cov tawv nqaij rhiab, tab sis tib lub sijhawm ua kom cov av hauv qhov hws.

Duab " muag muag bio-roj "Black Pearl"
Duab " muag muag bio-roj "Black Pearl"

Natural oils nyob rau hauv muaj pes tsawg leeg tsis ua puas lub ntuj tiv thaiv txheej ntawm daim tawv nqaij thiab tsis pab kom ntau secretion los ntawm cov qog sebaceous. Cov chaw tsim khoom thov tias cov cuab yeej no yog tsom rau kev noj zaub mov hnyav thiab dej, uas xav tau hauv 24 teev. Raws li cov neeg yuav khoom sau tseg hauv kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm Black Pearl bio-roj rau kev ntxuav, thaum nws los rau hauv kev sib cuag nrog dej, nws hloov mus rau hauv lub teeb foamy emulsion thiab yooj yim ntxuav tawm ntawm daim tawv nqaij. Kev ntim khoom yooj yim nrog lub tshuab xa tawm tso cai rau koj los tswj kev noj thiab siv cov khoom kom kawg.


Cov khoom xyaw ntuj ua lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov tshuaj pleev ib ce. Cov neeg yuav khoom nyiam los ntawm Black Pearl bio-roj muaj pes tsawg leeg. Cov kev txheeb xyuas pom tias nws suav nrogcov khoom xyaw noj qab nyob zoo.

Duab "Black Pearl" bio-roj rau kev tshuaj xyuas
Duab "Black Pearl" bio-roj rau kev tshuaj xyuas

Raws li cov chaw tsim khoom, cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm cov khoom no yog 7 cov roj nquag:

  • Jojoba - tob tob, nquag nourishes, smoothes thiab softens.
  • Avocado - muaj cov nyhuv nqa thiab tiv thaiv qhov tshwm sim ntawm cov hnub nyoog hloov pauv.
  • Argans - nquag moisturizes, nourishes thiab tiv thaiv tev tawm.
  • Grapeseed - yog ib qho kev pabcuam tseem ceeb hauv kev saib xyuas cov teeb meem ntawm daim tawv nqaij, soothes irritation thiab o, tiv thaiv sebum ntau dhau.
  • Macadamia - txhawb cov txheej txheem ntawm kev rov ua dua tshiab ntawm tes, rov ua kom elasticity, qeeb qeeb.
  • Almond - nourishes daim tawv nqaij, tswj cov qog sebaceous.
  • Olive - softens, tones, tiv thaiv thiab smoothes saum npoo.

Cov ntxhais hauv kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm Dub Pearl bio-roj nco ntsoov tias cov khoom tsim nyog rau cov tswv ntawm txhua hom tawv nqaij, raws li nws tau tsim los suav nrog nws ntau yam nta.

Rules of application

Cov khoom kom zoo nkauj no tuaj yeem siv tau ntau txoj hauv kev. Muaj ntau qhov kev tshuaj xyuas txog cov khoom lag luam ntawm Black Pearl hom bio-roj "Delicate Cleansing". Cov neeg siv tshaj tawm qhia tias nws yuav ua haujlwm rau txhua yam kev ntxuav lub ntsej muag.

Duab "Black Pearl" complex ntawm bio-roj
Duab "Black Pearl" complex ntawm bio-roj

Usage rules:

  • Muab me me ntawm cov khoom hauv xib teg thiabsiv rau lub ntsej muag qhuav. Maj mam zaws kom dissolve make-up thiab impurities. Ntxuav nrog dej sov.
  • Rau cov tawv nqaij qhuav thiab rhiab heev, nws raug nquahu kom siv cov khoom ntawm lub ntsej muag ntub dej. Ntau tus ntxhais hauv kev tshuaj xyuas qhia txog kev rov ntxuav dua ob zaug kom ntxuav kom tob dua.

Raws li kev xav ntawm cov kws tshaj lij cosmetologists, lub complex ntawm bio-roj "Black Pearl" tuaj yeem siv ua cov tshuaj ntxuav tes thaum sawv ntxov thiab yav tsaus ntuj. Cov cuab yeej no muaj peev xwm maj mam tshem tawm cov pleev residue thiab impurities.

Cov neeg siv tshuaj xyuas

Ntau tus ntxhais Lavxias niaj hnub siv cov khoom lag luam Dub Pearl thiab Cov Tshuaj Txhuam Hniav Bio-roj rau ntxuav. Hauv kev tshuaj xyuas, lawv thov tias cov khoom muaj peev xwm tiv taus txawm tias cov tshuaj pleev ib ce tsis zoo thiab cov khoom lag luam. Cov roj zoo sib xws yog sib npaug sib npaug, tso cai rau koj kom zaws cov tawv nqaij yam tsis muaj ncab. Cov ntxhais hais tias tom qab siv cov khoom no, tsis muaj kev xav ntawm nplaum thiab oiliness ntawm lub ntsej muag.

Duab "Black Pearl" cov roj muaj nuj nqis bio-roj
Duab "Black Pearl" cov roj muaj nuj nqis bio-roj

Nyob rau hauv kev tshuaj xyuas ntawm Black Pearl bio-roj, nws tau sau tseg tias nws dissolves cov av uas accumulates nyob rau hauv lub qhov hws txhua hnub. Tom qab daim ntawv thov, daim tawv nqaij yuav huv si, moisturized, nourished, me ntsis glow tshwm, elasticity yog rov qab, lub ntuj tone yog evened, thiab qhov chaw o yuav tsis tshua pom.

Cov neeg siv khoom thov tias cov cuab yeej tsim nyog raws lirau yav tsaus ntuj thiab sawv ntxov ntxuav. Txij li thaum cov khoom xyaw tseem ceeb yog cov roj ntuj, tom qab daim ntawv thov, koj tsis tuaj yeem siv cov nplaum nplaum nplaum nplaum nplaum. Lub qab ntxiag aroma nyiam cov neeg siv khoom, tsis ua rau tsis xis nyob thaum siv thiab sai sai ploj ntawm daim tawv nqaij. Cov khoom no tiv thaiv cov tsos ntawm cov tawv nqaij qhuav, tev thiab khaws cov haujlwm ntawm cov hlwb.

Pom zoo los ntawm cov kws tshaj lij

Russian cosmetologists hais lus zoo txog cov khoom lag luam ntawm "Black Pearl" bio-roj "Zoo huv si", raws li nws zoo kawg nkaus tiv nrog nws txoj haujlwm, saib xyuas daim tawv nqaij thiab tsis ua rau muaj kev fab tshuaj. Cov kws tshaj lij tsis pom zoo kom siv cov cuab yeej no rau cov tswv ntawm cov teeb meem thiab oily ntawm daim tawv nqaij rau kev ntxuav thaum sawv ntxov. Tab sis rau kev ntxuav pleev, nws tsim nyog rau txhua tus ntxhais.

Bio-roj "Black Pearl" "Zoo huv si" tshuaj xyuas
Bio-roj "Black Pearl" "Zoo huv si" tshuaj xyuas

Tsis tas li, beauticians pom zoo kom ntxiv me ntsis dej sov thaum faib cov roj bio-roj los tiv thaiv kev ncab ntawm daim tawv nqaij. Tom qab daim ntawv thov, nws yog ib qhov tsim nyog los so lub ntsej muag nrog ib tug toning lotion thiab siv lub teeb moisturizing los yog matting kua rau complex kev kho mob.

Zoo kawg

Bio-roj "Black Pearl" tau dhau los ua ib qho ntawm cov khoom lag luam nrov tshaj plaws los ntawm tag nrho cov khoom lag luam no. Vim nws cov khoom zoo, maj mam ntxuav, tu cov khoom thiab ntuj muaj pes tsawg leeg, nws tsim nyog rau cov tswv ntawm txhua hom tawv nqaij. Raws li cov neeg siv kev txheeb xyuas, cov roj muaj peev xwm ntawmdissolve tej pleev thiab impurities ntawm lub qhov hws.

Pom zoo: